Debugging and logging in OpenResty
There is a few key point to ease the development of lua in OpenResty environment.
Turn lua code caching off
Restarting nginx everytime there is a code changes is painful. The easier way is to load external lua code using content_by_lua_file as opposed to have lua code inside nginx configuration files and then turn off the cache.
location /hello {
default_type text/html;
lua_code_cache off; #development
content_by_lua ./hello.lua;
Read nginx log as it is written
Set the error_log configuration directive to output log on easily accessable directory.
error_log /home/away/tmp/hello.log
And read the log interactively in a separate terminal as it been written using
tail -f /home/away/temp/hello.log
Output the log file in the terminal
Redirect all error log to the terminal where nginx is running
error_log /dev/stderr;
Log event or variable
Output debugging info using ngx.log
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "hello world here")
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